Helping you realize your dream

ABOUT Hartt Trumpets

How good can you be?

The answer lies in how much passion you have for your craft, how much you’re willing to work. and how much good information you can get. You need all of these. If you have the first two, we have the third! Weekly lessons, master classes, brass repertoire class, special seminars and guest artists are all part of the equation here at Hartt to make you be the player you want to become. Come see what you can accomplish...and never stop getting better! And don’t forget to have fun on the way....

Professor Snedecor is a teacher that rolls up his sleeves and makes you BETTER on your instrument; both as a musician and as a technician. You will be shown many different music programs and (if you're talented) wooed by celebrity trumpet teachers/players who want you in their studios so they can have big numbers of students. At Hartt we have a fairly small studio (14) and Prof. Snedecor gets down in the trenches with you and figures out what YOU need to go to the next level on the trumpet and in music. Not many studios do that...